AKVNA Annual Meeting 2020
AKVNA Annual Meeting 2020 was conducted as a virtual Zoom Meeting on Saturday, August 15th, 2020. We are happy to note that there were 51 veterinarians attending the meeting. Thank you all for your participation and for bringing joy to AKVNA's virtual gathering.
The Global Vet Times 2nd edition was officially released by Dr. M. Krishnan Nair during the meeting.
The following resolutions regarding AKVNA endowment fund at the general body meeting:
The endowment fund will only be used to financially support the educational/medical needs of Kerala veterinary and animal sciences university students in Kerala or alumni residing in the USA or Canada upon written requests from KVASU (Dean or responsible party) or members of AKVNA.
The release of the endowment fund should be approved by a majority vote of AKVNA executive committee members.
The general body also selected Dr. Shambhu M. Pillai as the new editor for eMagazine - Global Vet Times for the year 2020-21.
We hope to continue engaging with all of you and keep up the bond and happiness in these difficult times.
Thank you!
AKVNA 2019-21